
And so, despite my friends admonitions of – a no vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary, or you must vote!, or look at all the people who are supporting him – he must be a good man…I cannot in good conscience, as a follower of Christ, as a child of God – support or vote for either one of these candidates.

It’s a no brainer on Hillary. Pro-choice. Anti-2nd amendment, big government, lies to Congress, lies to FBI, lies to the parents of men killed in Benghazi.

But with Trump – it is still a no brainer. But, I admit. I was excited at what I saw in about the, say, first 10 minutes of his campaign. He took on the media and showed them that one doesn’t need to back off just because they are offended by something or don’t like what one says. He wanted to address the illegal immigration issues. He wanted to make America great again. And then, the continued promises with no substance or ideas behind them. I have great ideas too – but no way to get them accomplished.

I also admit – I watched the Apprentice. That is when my dislike for the man actually started. I watched him ridicule and belittle hard working people and keep the crazies. I know it’s for ratings. I get that. But it was frustrating – he constantly changed the rules and the expectations. He’d ask the advisors on either side of him what they thought – they’d tell him and he’d do the opposite and then they’d sit there like little robots and tell him – it’s what you had to do, or that it was the right decision. Ask me for my advice often enough and do the opposite – I will stop giving the advice. Pearls before swine and all that.

Anyway – in putting word to paper, so to speak, I’m a #NeverTrump. Believe it or not, that is the first time I’ve used a “hashtag” to make a point :).

I am more than a citizen of the United States. I am blessed to have been born here with the freedom we are still able to enjoy. But, I am a child of God. I call Him
Father. I know His character and I listen to His Word. I know we have free will – and because of that, our country is now faced with these two people as our choice for leader of this wonderful country. And with that free will, and these two choices, God will allow one or put one into office. He sometimes gives us what we deserve instead of what we need. But, this feels like a test. Will those who call Him Father allow their ears to be tickled by one of these two candidates or will they stand firm for what they know and either write in or whatever they feel called to do in this election.

If this test is – will you vote for one of these two candidates – then I fail. If the test is, will you be like Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo who are faced with the choice of listening to God and having faith in Him or bowing to the king’s image. They chose God and lived. If that’s the test, I will pass. Frankly, I don’t want to stand in the line at heaven “I voted for Trump” and have to explain why.

This is a crossroads for the church. A large number have chosen to gleefully follow Mr. Trump. A smaller number have chosen to seriously oppose him. Interestingly, those who have supported him – the public figures – are still his targets. Today it was revealed that despite Paul Ryan swallowing his pride and endorsing Trump – now Trump won’t endorse his candidacy for the upcoming election.

The church needs to divorce herself from the political arena. Not retreat, but not be so closely tied to candidates and “endorse” or “condemn”. We run the risk of being just what we abhor – those who are influenced by the power of Washington D.C. We’ve seen those who ran as strict conservatives in 1994 in their “contract with America” turning into those who’ve compromised what they stood for in 1994. They are now the liberal wing of the republican party.

My friends who support Trump with great enthusiasm believe that because men and women they’ve admired and trusted over the years are endorsing him, they will too. That people cannot see Trump is the antithesis of every biblical teaching and value is mind boggling. They cheer him on. I hear comments that his rallies are electrifying. Piff. How did they allow themselves to be wooed by this man?

I’ve used too many words again but I’ll end this today with the slogan of the Boy Scouts when Scott and Adam got their Eagle Rank

“Character Counts”

to be continued…..

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