So much to write – so many words to use.

When Pastor Ron would talk about marriage, men and women, he always mentioned that we have a number of words that we need to use each day. I think it was a nice way of saying that girls talk a lot, boys, not so much. I certainly fall into the category of “needs to use up her words each day”.

When Ken was alive, he would bear witness to this fact. He would listen with one ear and God knows what he did with the other one – probably tune me out so it was just white noise. But, since his death, my dear friends have had to endure my sometimes endless ramblings.

And, given that it’s an election year I have even more words than normal. I get that way when I’m trying to figure things out. Not much passes between my ears that doesn’t fly out of my mouth at some point. I am working, this election season, to have some sort of governor on my mouth so as not to lose too many friends.

Even though I do not support either presidential candidate, I still am perplexed. I understand why the left love Hillary. She’s uber liberal. She’ll protect the right to kill babies. She’ll do her best to take away the 2nd amendment. She’ll continue the current president’s attack on people of faith making sure that we must support the agenda of every other group without protecting our freedom. It seems that throughout my lifetime the left has always excused bad behavior and the behavior has gotten so bad and there are so many excuses that I find myself having to remember to push my chin up to close my dropped jaw. But, the left is the left. The right makes their own excuses – they are not without fault either.

So, I will write this as the conservative that I am. I’ve always been a republican. I vote for the candidate, however. I have voted for democrats at times but mostly republicans because the platform of the republican party more closely matched my moral plumbline.

When I became an “active” Christian – walking with Jesus, depending on God, making decisions based on God’s character – I found myself looking at things much differently. In many ways more black and white. I get that there are lots of gray issues out there and on many I don’t have a strong opinion or belief. Pretty much the render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.

My first wakeup call to politics was Nixon. My parents supported him. We’d gone to the Western White House to see Nixon come in and speak, I even went to El Toro on the day he resigned to see him land – to a much smaller crowd. He broke the law and was forced to resign. That is how it should be. I remember skating through life, raising my boys under Ronald Reagan. I didn’t follow politics much but believed he had my country’s best interests at heart. I wasn’t a huge fan of George H.W. Bush because he had this “New World Order” thing going and I knew that was against what God said. But he was a good man who loved his children and most likely wouldn’t do anything awful that would affect future generations of his family.

Bill Clinton was the big wake up call. He told lies as easily as he summoned women to be with him. The media looked the other way (as they used to do out of deference to the office, I guess, but this time it seemed different) because they liked him. And, it didn’t matter what was done in the past – this was now and he should have been held accountable. It was obvious for this president that the media didn’t want to rock the boat. No serious questions when he lied. When his behavior came into the full light he was still able to look Americans (the camera) in the eye and lie to us. Christian leaders called for his resignation over his disgusting behavior.

And now we have a “choice” – Trump or Hillary. As a country we have sunk so low that this is the best we can do. A woman who lies as easily as she changes pant suits. A man who is so disgusting that I can’t even speak his name without needing a shower.

I won’t address the Hillary supporters. As I said – the left is the left and they want what they want.

But that there are republicans who will set aside whatever standards they had in the past and line up behind this man who is no more a republican than Barack Obama. To paraphrase an old saying – putting an R behind your name doesn’t make you a republican anymore than sitting the garage makes you a car. My supporting this man would require an apology to Bill Clinton.

I have friends I love dearly, who have made excuse after excuse for a man that if he was not an “R” would be finding him to be one of the most despicable candidates in our lifetime. I Don’t Get It. But they, and even those who don’t like or wholeheartedly support Trump, say I should to vote for him or Hillary will win.

In the interest of not using too many words in this…..

to be continued……

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