So many things to miss

There are no events or activities in my day where I don’t wish Ken was there or that I could text him and tell him I miss him or call and tell him about something that happened. Today was no different.

Pat and I had a really nice day. I had errands to run and she came along – it was nice to have the company and someone to distract my brain when it wanted to go right to missing Ken.

This time of year Burgerville has onion rings – Walla Walla onion rings – delicious onion rings that I look forward to each year. Can’t eat many but the few that I have in a “season” are just great. Ken and I loved to grab a few for dinner. So, today we went to Burgerville and I had a few onion rings. Just wish he’d been there.

Also went to the Credit Union to get my power of attorney notarized. Being a grown up is not always fun.

Each day is still filled with the blessings only God could provide. I am grateful that when He prompts my friends to text or send a card or stop by – that they listen and do it. I welcome each because it is a reminder of not only their caring but of God’s love for me and how He carries me.

I was thinking about Heaven today. Just can’t help it.

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